SEO Consultant in Colombia, improve your visibility online

SEO Colombia

Consultor seo colombia

Freelance SEO positioning, a strategic investment for your business

SEO freelance ColombiaImprove the online visibility of your website: Implementing effective SEO strategies will improve search results on Google and other search engines. This means that your site will be easier to find for users searching for products or services related to your industry, which will increase your brand exposure online.

seo consultant bogota colombiaAttract quality traffic and leads: Well-executed SEO not only increases the visibility of your website, but also attracts high-quality traffic and users interested in what you have to offer. By targeting users who are actively searching for what your company offers, you will increase the chances of attracting relevant leads to your website.

posicionamiento seo freelanceIncrease conversions and sales: By improving the visibility and quality of traffic to your website, SEO can have a direct impact on your sales by attracting more relevant and interested users, increasing the likelihood that these users will take desired actions on your website, such as purchasing, completing a form or subscribing to your email list.

SEO positioning Services

Seo Audit

We will identify areas of improvement in SEO and improve your web positioning.

Corporate Seo

We optimize your website so that customers can find your services.

Seo Ecommerce

We optimize products to increase conversions in your store.

Web Migration

Seamless migration while maintaining the integrity of your SEO.

How it works and what are
the stages of SEO

Expert SEO Consulting Services

Let’s get to know each other first – SEO Analysis

A good SEO Consultant will never dare to carry out a strategy without first conducting a technical analysis of the website. This validates the CMS on which the website is built, the general architecture of the website, inventory of URL’s and an organic research to know the keywords positioned, as well as reviewing the current status against the competition and the objectives of the website. Having a clearer picture, let’s get to work…

Tidy up the house – On-page SEO

SEO Consultant in Colombia

We will start by organizing, solving or improving the problems detected in the initial audit. The most common are 404 errors (missing URL’s), duplicate titles and meta descriptions, uncrawlable sites, loading delays, among others. Once the general optimization of the website is finished, we focus on the content (quantity – quality), implementation of headers, connection of internal links and navigation levels without affecting or radically changing the functioning of the website.

SEO Companies in Colombia

Who finds us and how do they find us? – SEO Off-page

Through a strategy of creating external links, guest post and press releases we will give more visibility to our website in order to increase the authority and exposure to crawlers. The links must be aligned with the Keywords previously selected to achieve the goal of climbing positions in search engines and be relevant in the sector.

Let’s see what’s going on -Tracking and results

freelance SEO positioning

In SEO everything is measurable, which helps us to analyze if what we are doing is working or we should rethink the strategy, for this we use platforms like Google Analytics and Search Console where we can see the progress of the website, giving the client a general report on the status of the keywords and impact on visits through the organic channel.

Improve your Google ranking right now!
Start your SEO strategy. Our consultants are ready to help you increase your website visibility and attract more qualified traffic.

Let’s get started!

Hire the best freelance seo consultants in colombia

Frequently asked questions

SEO is important because it can improve a website’s online visibility and increase its organic traffic, which can lead to greater exposure and business opportunities.

It is difficult to answer this question in a closed way, because the needs of each website or company are different and depend on external factors related to the sector in which they are, however, we will talk about two moments in which the accompaniment of a Seo consultant will be of great help.

  1. When migrating the website it is important that a Seo Consultant accompanies this process because the migration can generate significant losses in terms of positioning and visits, migrating a website incorrectly can mean starting from scratch talking about the Seo positioning of the website.
  2. From the development of the Web site it is ideal to have the accompaniment of a Seo consultant; however, it is understandable that when you are just starting the economic resources are reduced; for this it is suggested to hire only the service of the website architecture consulting, this way you will avoid over costs in the future when you realize that your website is visibly very nice but is not capturing the expected visits.

If you want to know a little more about the factors that you should take into account when hiring an SEO consultant we invite you to watch the following video (video reference How to hire an SEO?).

The estimated time in which you will start to see the results of the proposed Seo strategy is 4 months; however, this is a reference time to which great Seo specialists have arrived, because the time may vary according to the following aspects; level of competition, economic sector and search volume of the Keywords.

An effective SEO strategy is one that takes into account the needs and objectives of the business, as well as current search engine trends and algorithms. It should be a comprehensive approach that encompasses technical, content and link optimization, as well as the generation of high quality content and the acquisition of quality links.

You can choose the right keywords for your website by researching searches related to your niche and their relevance to your site. You can also use keyword research tools to identify the most popular and relevant keywords for your site.

SEO is one of the branches of digital marketing that has been changing and evolving over the last few years. Currently search engines give greater relevance, and therefore better position, those websites that communicate valuable information to their customers; this means that to improve our positioning we must consider the generation of content by experts in the field.

When you are starting in the world of digital marketing it is usual to confuse these two terms, Seo and Sem, we share with you three key differences between these positioning strategies:

  1. Seo refers to the organic positioning of a website within search engines, on the other hand, Sem is the positioning of the website through paid ads.
  2. The results of a Sem campaign are more immediate as they are paid, but they will always depend on the budget you have for the campaign, the results in Seo take longer to be reflected, but they are maintained in the long term.
  3. Sem strategies are more effective in stationary campaigns, for fixed or branding campaigns Seo strategies will be more effective.

dictionary seo
