External marketing: advantages for SMEs and companies

With the rise of Digital Marketing, many SMEs and companies have chosen to implement strategies that help their business model grow; however, many of them do not have the internal staff or the necessary time to develop them to the fullest. For this reason, and in order to provide a solution to this scenario that leaves many companies and ventures in order to venture into the digital world, External Marketing arises. Do you want to know what it is and how it can benefit you? Continue reading our article.
External Marketing is a methodology that consists of appointing independent professionals, internal tasks related to marketing, with the purpose of achieving the goals set by the company, in real time and with effective processes, and best of all, with the help of experts.
This process consists in the search of freelance professionals for the planning of digital strategies, their execution, monitoring and evaluation, who have the necessary human, technical and technological capital, in favor of the results and specifications of the project.
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Why resort to External Marketing?
To begin with, running a small or medium-sized business is not an easy task, since it requires time, resources, personnel, and planning. Just as accounting or production require dedicated areas that are made up of a work team, machinery, tools and others, it happens with marketing; It is at this point that companies are forced to weigh the need to develop digital strategies or sacrifice their internal processes. So, in order not to have this type of conflict, experts are subcontracted to carry out all the necessary execution, that is, this marketing area becomes totally externally managed, allowing the company to focus on its core business and in their daily processes. In this way, it allows you to:
- As a businessman or entrepreneur you dedicate your time to administrative and business management aspects.
- You do not have to monitor the work performed by the human resources of the Freelance collective, but only receive specific statuses from a Marketing Director, Project Manager or Account Executive.
- Not having to coordinate a marketing team.
- Having a Digital Project Manager for your company.
- Not having to establish an internal marketing area, which reduces fixed costs in your company’s payroll and infrastructure.
What services does External Marketing include?
When you hire a service with a Freelance professional or collective, you must take into account that the services included depend 100% on the type of project to be executed, the needs and scope of the project. Within the most recurrent services you can find:
Content Marketing
Planning and generation of content for web, blog, scripts for multimedia material or social network grids, in order to increase traffic and thus, gain notoriety.
Web design and development
Planning, structuring and creation of functional and intuitive websites, linked to an established graphic line.
Optimization and positioning
Optimization strategies of digital channels in order to increase traffic, positions and relevance in search engines, to attract potential customers (SEO).
Social media
Generation of management strategies and community building in social networks to maintain communication with brand followers.
Paid campaigns
Creation, configuration, monitoring and evaluation of campaigns in GoogleAds, FacebookAds and other channels.
Main benefits of External Marketing
As we have seen up to this point, External Marketing is the most effective alternative when you want to develop digital strategies and you do not have the basic aspects to carry them out within your company; this mechanics brings with it multiple advantages that will help you get better results, such as:
- Labor expenses.
- Education and training of personnel.
- Labor infrastructure expenses.
- Investment in materials, equipment and tolos
Experience and knowledge
When you outsource you are investing in a team that has the knowledge and skills necessary for your digital project. Each professional has the experience to perform each strategy with the required efficiency.
By outsourcing, you are getting an area dedicated entirely to marketing issues and their management, so the results are usually positive and in reasonable periods of time, besides being professionals adaptable to change and keeping up with the trend of digital advances.
So, if you want to venture into the digital world and want to optimize your costs, opt for External Marketing to obtain favorable results.